Jupyter notebook markdown generator

Jupyter notebook markdown generator

These .ipynb files are Jupyter notebook files that convert a TSV containing structured data about talks (talks.tsv) or presentations (presentations.tsv) into individual markdown files that will be properly formatted for the academicpages template. The notebooks contain a lot of documentation about the process. The .py files are pure python that do the same things if they are executed in a terminal, they just don’t have pretty documentation.

Added by Tian

For publications, which is only used here acturally, add new publication info into add_new_pub_here.csv file, following the first row as a template. After generating the .md files for each publication, move the new entries to the backup file pub_backup.csv, leave the first row there for future reference.

  • if you don’t remove the entries to backup, then next time, the .md file will be regenrated, overwrite the files for these publications.