Finally start to use python for plotting.
Plotting in notebook
ipython notebook is good and plots can be lined up with scripts. But if I need to run the same script on cluster without Xming, it will crash. Simple way is to add
import matplotlib as mpl
when importing libraries.
Seaborn is a great package for color scheme picking. Color schemes are called “palettes” in seaborn. There are many pre-set palettes for you to choose. If you want to use “colorblind”, just simply add
import seaborn as sns
with sns.color_palette("colorblind"):
before the plotting script.
Customizing the palette is easy too:
colors = ["windows blue", "amber", "greyish", "faded green", "dusty purple"]
with sns.xkcd_palette(colors):
flatui = ["#9b59b6", "#3498db", "#95a5a6", "#e74c3c", "#34495e", "#2ecc71"]
with sns.color_palette():