Want to have a one-stop page for useful datasets, links, and other resources.
Global Data
- Global Surface Water dataset
- Remote-sensing-based surface water coverage statistics at 30m resolution from 1984 to 2021. (Citation)
- Global Long-term River Width (GLOW)
- Landsat-based global river width dataset for 1984-2020. (Citation)
- 0.1 degree (and 0.05 degree for V4) daily time step global routed streamflow from 1979 to near-real-time, ERA5 runoff + LISFLOOD river discharge. (Citation)
- GRFR Runoff
- Global Reach-level Flood Reanalysis(GRFR). We sometimes call it “Ming Pan’s runoff”. It is well-calibrated 0.05 degree VIC output at daily and 3-hrly resolution from 1980 to 2019. It includes both runoff and streamflow. (Citation)
- LORA Runoff
- Linear Optimal Runoff Aggregate (LORA). A global gridded runoff product available at monthly timescales, and includes time-variant uncertainty, for the period 1980–2012 on a 0.5 degree grid. (Citation)
- Dominant River Tracing (DRT)
- Global eight-direction flow network developed by Huan Wu, ranging from 1/16th deg to 2 deg. (Citation)
- ICOLD Database
- International Commission On Large Dams (ICOLD) provides global dam information
- GRanD Database
- The initial version 1.1 of Global Reservoir and Dam Database (GRanD) contains 6,862 records of reservoirs and their associated dams with a cumulative storage capacity of 6,197 km3. (Citation)
- US Army Corps Reservoir Visualizer
- A website that visualizes U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Reservoir Data
- LEGOS Water Level Database
time series
- LEGOS provides water level time series (approx. 2000-2013) for large rivers, lakes and wetlands around the world.
- GIEMS Data
- Global Inundation Extent from Multi-Satellites (GIEMS) is a high-resolution global inundation map at a pixel size of 15 arc-seconds (approximately 500 meter at the equator). (Citation 1, Citation 2)
- GSIM Discharge Data
- Global Streamflow dataset that combines data from different resources. (Citation)
- continuing
- https://public.yoda.uu.nl/geo/UU01/T7TVTQ.html
- GPM https://gpm.nasa.gov/data
- HydroSHEDS, GLWD, etc. https://wp.geog.mcgill.ca/hydrolab/data/
- Hydro1k https://csdms.colorado.edu/wiki/Data:HYDRO1k
Regional Data
- USGS National Water Information System
,time series
- Where you download USGS gauge data
- Colorado River Data
,time series
- Colorado River water related information such as water level in major reservoirs
- SMAP-HydroBlocks
soil moisture
- It is a hyper-resolution satellite-based surface soil moisture product at 30-m resolution over the continental United States (2015-2019). (Citation)
- R-ArcticNET
,time series
- Pan-Arctic streamflow data with various time coverage
- GridMet
- It is a dataset of daily high-spatial resolution (~4-km, 1/24th degree) surface meteorological data covering the contiguous US from 1979-yesterday. (Citation)
,time series
- It is a cloud-based database platform for storing and accessing stream and lake temperature monitoring data across Alaska.
- National Inventory of Dams (NID) provides >90,000 dams information in the US
- Thermodynamic Global Warming Simulations (TGW) provide 40-year historical (1980-2019) as well as four 80-year future simulations (2020-2099) over the U.S. The future simulations are split into near (2020-2059) and far future (2060-2099) segments. The future scenarios were developed using a thermodynamic global warming approach where past events are replayed under a range of future warming conditions.
- UCLA Snow Reanalysis
,Western US
- Daily snow water equivalent (SWE), fractional snow-covered area (fSCA) and snow depth (SD) at 16 arc-second (~500 m) resolution from water years 1985 to 2021 over the Western US.
- UA Snow Data
- Daily snow water equivalent (SWE) and snow depth (SD) data at 4km resolution from water years 1981 to 2021 over the US.
- Livneh Dataset
- Daily climate forcing data as well as VIC derived runoff at 1/16 degree from 1950-2013 and later extended to 2018. (Citation)
- UW Columbia River Basin Streamflow Data
,time series
- Daily simulated streamflow 1950-2100 at CRB river gauges. Each gauge has at least two RCPs, two downscaling techniques, and two hydrological models.
- BPA Columbia River Basin NRNI Data
,time series
- Daily streamflow starting from early 20th century across CRB’s river gauge locations. They provides modified streamflow by removing dam regulation and/or irrigation depletions.
- Continuing
- IBT https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-023-01935-4
Other Links
Online tools
- This webpage allows you to search CMIP6 variables.
- PNNL Climate Research Portal provides direct access to PNNL’s cutting-edge climate science research, including datasets, models, and publications.
- NCAR Climate Data Guide provides overviews for different climate datasets.
- Prof. Victor M. Ponce’s website provides numerous resources about hydrology and hydraulics.
- Prof. Bernhard Lehner’s website has links to multiple hydrology datasets he developed.