3 min read


This is a summary generated by ChatGPT after I had a long discussion with it about hydrologic models. I’d like to post it here but keep in mind that some information was not verified.

(Here comes the summary)

Hydrologic models are essential tools for simulating and understanding the complex processes governing water movement through the Earth’s systems. This blog post provides an overview of different types of hydrologic models, their key features, and how they handle various hydrological processes such as infiltration-excess and saturation-excess runoff.

Classification of Hydrologic Models

1. Process Representation

  • Infiltration-Excess (Hortonian Runoff): Runoff occurs when rainfall intensity exceeds the soil’s infiltration capacity, commonly seen in arid regions or during intense rainfall events. Examples include the VIC model.
  • Saturation-Excess (Dunne Runoff): Runoff is generated when the soil is fully saturated, often occurring in humid regions with shallow soils or high water tables. Models like TopModel emphasize this mechanism.

2. Spatial Representation

  • Lumped Models: Treat the entire catchment as a single unit, ignoring spatial variability. Example: Nash Cascade Model.
  • Semi-Distributed Models: Represent the catchment as interconnected sub-catchments or zones, allowing for some spatial variability. Example: HEC-HMS.
  • Fully Distributed Models: Simulate hydrological processes at a high spatial resolution across a gridded domain. Example: VIC, SWAT.

3. Temporal Resolution

  • Event-Based Models: Simulate specific hydrological events over short periods. Example: HEC-HMS.
  • Continuous Models: Simulate long-term hydrological processes, capturing the full hydrological cycle. Examples: VIC, SWAT.

4. Model Complexity

  • Empirical/Conceptual Models: Use simplified representations based on empirical relationships. Example: SCS-CN method.
  • Physically-Based Models: Represent processes based on physical laws (e.g., conservation of mass, energy). Examples: MIKE SHE, VIC.

Case Study: Comparison of Key Hydrologic Models

VIC (Variable Infiltration Capacity) Model

  • Runoff Mechanisms: Handles both infiltration-excess and saturation-excess runoff, making it versatile for different hydrological scenarios.
  • Application: Often used in large-scale hydrological studies and climate impact assessments.
  • Spatial Representation: Fully distributed, designed for regional and continental scales.

TopModel (TOPographic MODEL)

  • Runoff Mechanism: Primarily focuses on saturation-excess runoff, controlled by topography and soil moisture distribution.
  • Application: Suited for smaller catchments where topography is the dominant factor.
  • Spatial Representation: Semi-distributed with a focus on topographically driven hydrological processes.

National Water Model (NWM)

  • Runoff Mechanisms: Integrates multiple runoff processes within a fully distributed framework, providing real-time water predictions across the U.S.
  • Application: Operational hydrology, flood forecasting, and water resource management.
  • Temporal Resolution: High temporal resolution for real-time forecasting, ranging from short-term to long-range predictions.

SUMMA (Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives)

  • Flexibility: Allows users to choose different process representations and compare their impacts on hydrological simulations.
  • Application: Research and development, exploring how different modeling assumptions affect hydrological outcomes.
  • Modularity: Highly modular, enabling users to customize the model to their specific research questions.

CLM (Community Land Model)

  • Comprehensive Process Representation: Integrates energy, water, carbon, and nutrient cycles within a land surface modeling framework.
  • Runoff Mechanisms: Uses a TOPMODEL-based approach for saturation-excess runoff and incorporates infiltration-excess runoff processes.
  • Application: Climate modeling, Earth system studies, and long-term hydrological simulations.

Detailed Insights: Infiltration and Runoff in CLM

CLM incorporates both infiltration-excess and saturation-excess mechanisms to simulate surface runoff:

Saturation-Excess Runoff (Dunne Runoff)

  • Modeling Approach: Uses the fractional saturated area \(f_{\text{sat}}\) determined by soil moisture and topography.

  • Key Equation: \(q_{\text{over}} = f_{\text{sat}} \cdot q_{\text{liq,0}}\)

Infiltration-Excess Runoff (Hortonian Runoff)

  • Modeling Approach: Occurs when surface water flux exceeds the soil’s infiltration capacity.
  • Key Equation: \(q_{\text{infl,excess}} = \max(q_{\text{in,soil}} - (1 - f_{\text{h2osfc}}) \cdot q_{\text{infl,max}}, 0)\)

Soil Water Dynamics in CLM

  • Richards Equation: Governs the vertical movement of water in unsaturated soils. \(\frac{\partial \theta}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \left[k(\theta) \left(\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial z} + 1\right)\right]\)
  • Darcy’s Law: Applies in both saturated and unsaturated soils but with different interpretations based on soil moisture conditions.


Hydrologic models vary widely in their approach to simulating water movement through the Earth’s systems, from lumped to fully distributed models, and from simple conceptual models to complex physically-based frameworks. Understanding the distinctions between infiltration-excess and saturation-excess runoff, as well as the broader classification of models, helps in selecting the right tool for specific hydrological studies. Models like VIC, TopModel, NWM, SUMMA, and CLM each have unique strengths, making them suitable for different applications ranging from operational forecasting to climate impact assessment.